Lakshmi-Raj Jesa

Author of Finn Button and the Discovery of Adria

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Finn Button

and the


Adria text
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Available 28th July, 2024

An epic adventure all set within a fish tank in a young boy’s bedroom. Full of submarines and glass pods, unusual water creatures and The Rotterbogs, a group of water ogres. For middle grade readers and in particular, those fascinated by ocean life.

Finn Button and the Discovery of Adria
Lakshmi-Raj Jesa
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Lakshmi-Raj Jesa

Lakshmi-Raj Jesa (also known as Lux) is a writer, living in London with her young son. She has a bachelor’s degree in History from The School of Oriental and African Studies and a postgraduate qualification in International Relations of the Americas from University College London.

Lux is passionate about writing stories which share her love of the oceans and marine life. When not writing, she can be found reading. Her favourite children's book is The Last Bear. She is also always studying a language!